She got a potty seat fit for a is pink, it has jewels, it plays ceremonial princess music if you pee.... On her birthday we opened the box and sat her down on her princess seat and she promptly peed... YAY! Success.
Ha! She then promptly declared I don't like it, I want my diaper. Since then I have tried everything I can think of. One conversation went like this:
Mommy: "You're a big girl, big girls go pee in the potty."
Cami: "I not a big girl, I little girl."
Mommy: "Would you like pretty panties? If you use the potty you can wear pretty panties."
Cami: "I like pretty panties, I will wear them over my diaper, I LOVE my diaper."
Mommy: "Cami, you are almost all out of diapers and they are getting too small for you."
Cami: "You can go to the store and buy me new diapers."
I took her to "Babies R Us" and let her pick out the potty she wanted and a "potty watch" that sings a pretty song to her every twenty minutes to remind her to go. This lasted two hours and then she brought me the watch and said " I don't like it, it is noisy, take it away!"
I have also tried letting her be naked, wet, even dirty, and she stands her ground. If she is naked she pees EVERYWHERE!!!! or she holds it. Once, while wearing underwear she waited for FOUR hours and two minutes after the diaper was on she was soaked. If she is wet she takes the panties or diaper off and tells me to change her and well if she is dirty you can use your imagination.
Obviously this is a control thing. Which fits her perfectly.
Then I thought I struck gold. I would her BRIBE her. The day after Christmas we went on Disney's website and looked at all the goodies. They have a Repunzel toddler doll that Cam went crazy for. I told her if she started going pee in the potty Daddy and I would get her the doll. She quickly agreed that she would.... I ordered It and every day I would tell her your doll is almost her are you ready to go on the potty? "Oh no, not yet" she would reply.
Finally, the doll got here and I made a big deal about it...She was so excited she LOVED it..."Oh, Mommy I LOVE her, open her up!" "Well, Cam you need to go on the potty first." To this she said "I don't want to" and not one to back down put the doll (still in the box) in the bathroom.
The next day when her Daddy came home she met him at the door. "Daddy, come see my doll! Isn't she open her for me?" To which Daddy said. " Sure, if you go potty first." I wasn't in the bathroom...but I was told he got one of Cami's famous scowls and she stomped out of the bathroom. The doll is still sitting in our bathroom in the box...
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