After a day of fun in the sun my sister took us over to her friends house to watch the firework show because her friends house is close to the firework display barge. Everyone there was so welcoming and warm and our kids fit right in with the multitude that was already running around. Aiden got right in with the group of kids on the wii. Soon it was time to go outside for the firework show.
Fireworks are not Aiden's thing and after trying to stay outside it became clear that he and I would need to come inside. Once back inside he calmed down he went back to playing the wii.
Next to the wii the stroller was set up where Riley was resting....(Riley is seven and has Trisomy 13...She is about the size of a three year old and has very limited function.) She started to stir while Aiden was playing the wii and without missing a beat he put the controller down and went to her to comfort her.(I was sitting on the couch and was just observing the scene. Everyone else was still outside watching fireworks. Nothing makes my son willingly stop playing video games. )
He gently stroked her feet and started talking to her and then stroked her hair and leaned in close to her and took her face in his hands and kissed her on the the top of her head. She settled down and he went back to playing the wii .
The whole event took about a minute. I don't post much on my blog, but I didn't want to forget this.
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