January 16, 2011


My Jon went on a little trip this week, he had a blast and we got a special treat...Grandma came to stay with us...The kiddo's had so much fun..Camryn only got out of her pajamas twice the whole week. She opted to stay home with Grandma and have five hour tea parties....a happy little girl for sure. Breaking the news that we would have to give her back to Grandpa was not well received. Camryn responded "No, I am not done playing with her yet!" and our sweet Aiden just crumpled..we let him stay up way late on the last night she was here and have some "Aiden only" time and then he woke up super early the next morning to cuddle on the couch with her and that seemed to make it okay....

1 reflections:

Leslie said...

LOVE that your blogging.. so so much.
love seeing your mama heart in writing.....

Glad the hubby is home..

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