February 24, 2011

He got me...

So I always go on and on about how sweet my boy is....My never does a thing wrong....my would never, ever try to get something past me.....my.....Um...I think I caught a little glimpse of a different side of my son the other night.
It was time to take a bath and his response was he didn't want to. My counter was that I had not asked him I told him, it was not a request and he did not have a choice. I walked him into the bathroom and I started running the water while he pulled his clothes off. Then he spied Cami's bubble bath on the back of the toilet and said "I want to put this in the bath." Most people know this, but for the few that don't, my son HATES bubble baths...They are in fact a sort of torture for him. So, I stand there for a couple seconds, eyeing my sweet boy looking up at me clutching the bubble bath bottle to his little chest. He is looking at me so earnestly with those gorgeous blue eyes. (Those eyes have been known to get more than one person to do his bidding.) I think, what the heck he wants to try something new, and let him pour some bubble bath into the tub. Almost immediately the tub begins to fill with bubbles. The conversation then went like this:
Me: "Okay, it is time to get in."
Aiden: "Oh I don't like bubbles, I can't take a bath with bubbles."
Me: "You just asked to put the bubble bath in to make bubbles."
Aiden: "Cami can take a bath."
I had been bamboozled! He clearly did not want to take a bath and by making it bubbly he thought he would not have to. Mommy would never put him in a bath of bubbles, she knows how much he can't stand it.
Not to be outdone I ceremoniously scooped him up and plopped him in the bath. He screeched "No!" I laughed and scooped him back out (I am not that mean, he really does HATE bubbles. ) I wrapped him up and sat him on the toilet and said "Now we are going to take a bath?" "Yes, Mommy, I need to get the bubbles off." I stopped the water, drained the tub and then refilled it. Aiden took a very long bath.....

February 19, 2011

Things you can't not write down.

You know she is always doin' something so here's the latest tidbits:

A couple of days ago Cam asked Daddy if she could go outside. To which he responded "Oh, you don't want to go outside it is wet and muddy and cold." However, he did not say "No, you may not go outside." This is an error that we have both learned from.
Camryn and Aiden wanted to watch a movie in our Master Bedroom so I put one on for them. A few minutes later Aiden is yelling from the bedroom "Mom!" Aiden does this a lot so to me and Jon it was not cause for alarm and he stopped so we both figured he found whatever he was looking for....about ten minutes after that Camryn comes into the living room...all muddy....she wanted us to clean her off. She apparently felt that even though it was wet, cold, & muddy that she really did want to go outside... and let herself out the slider in our master bedroom.

Our friend had her baby boy and posted newborn pictures of him on facebook. I showed the pictures to Cami and she said she wanted to "brother him" I laughed and asked "Do you mean you want to borrow him?" "No" she responded "I want to brother him. I have a big brother, he a lil' brother." Up until this point Cami has always insisted that she is the baby which I remind her of...and in her infinite wisdom responds..." I'm Cami, I a little girl, he is a boy." Apparently, being the baby isn't as important to her as being the ONLY girl.

And lastly I must inform everyone that Bieber fever has hit our home. Funny thing is that it isn't really Justin Bieber...it is an actor from the cast of Glee singing "Baby" that has got our little girl in a tailspin. I do not even want to admit how many times we have had to watch that clip of the show. (She is not allowed to watch the whole show, she is to smart for her own good and not enough goes over her head.) Today for a change of pace I put on just the music. (Of course we have the song downloaded from itunes.) A couple minutes later I walk back into the room to see my little girl with her head down on the table sobbing. I ask what hashappened. She lifts her head up and looks at me with puffy eyes and tear streaked cheeks. " I just really want just Bieber." The "Baby" song had ended and the next song had started. So I had to click only that song so it would play over and over and over.......and she was happy.

I shouldn't have said a thing

So of course the moment I said it out loud that Aiden hasn't been sick in awhile we were hit by the plague!!! God bless Aiden. He got an ear infection, sinus infection, throat infection, and a bacterial skin infection called impetigo!!! He was done for almost a week and then I think I wore my self out cleaning the whole house that then I got a headache that lasted three days and I started freakin' out that I was getting sick... whew....we are all better now and ready to get back into the swing of things.
While all this was going on Cam got a really stuffy nose and that was it. Yay for Camryn...

February 10, 2011

keeping up

Ok..time goes super fast (As we all know.) My husband mentioned I hadn't posted in a awhile....He isn't even a follower he just "drops by." I figured though that I better keep up with it, or I will forget stuff.
Cam has been being Cam. She says and does funny things all the time. Riding in the car the other day she saw a person dressed as the Statue of Liberty and she blurts out " Look it is the Statue of Liberty." I think my niece told her what it was, but still impressive. Just today a song came on and she said "Oh, it's Sugarland!" Thats me and my girl "Stuck Like Glue." When I run around the house trying to get us out of the house she will tell me "Mom, relax...jus' relax." Or when it is time for bed she will ask "Is everything alright Mom, are you happy?" "Everything's okay, right Mom?" It is in these moments that I see what a sponge she is and that she is WATCHING every move I make...No pressure.
My Aiden is doing well, I dare to write that he has been a happy, healthy guy. Really though, Aiden is ALWAYS happy and ....He is such a tender heart...
This morning I could tell he really needed a break from Cam and he told her "Cam, you stay here." (He was only going to his room from her room.) to which she responded "Aiden, I want to stay with you, PLEASE!" (Did I mention he was only going to his room.) to which he replied: "Oh, alright, come with me." Such a simple conversation, it maybe lasted five seconds, but it was so Aiden. He wanted some quiet, but she wanted to be right there with him and as usual she got what she wanted. When they were much younger, we had to teach Aiden that he didn't have to give her everything...it was okay to tell her no. Even Aiden is under her spell....

January 23, 2011

I need a bigger bowl

Tonight Cami wanted to watch a movie and have popcorn for dinner. Aiden had fallen asleep early and as a good friend pointed out it wasn't like she asked for a box of See's Candy. So, I made her popcorn and put it in a small bowl. She looked at me and said "I want a bigger bowl" to which I replied "Eat that first and then I will give you more." Then Camryn thought for a second and responded very seriously "Mom, I am gonna watch a movie and I need a bigger bowl so I can have more popcorn for the movie." I gave in and she got a bigger bowl, because after all who likes getting up in the middle of their movie for more popcorn.

January 19, 2011

My Grand Idea

So I thought....that Cami and potty training would be a breeze.... She never wanted a paci, gave the bottle up with no fuss, even transitioned from her crib to her bed with no hoopla.....So, when her second birthday came around and Gma wanted to know what she could use I thought a potty seat would be perfect!
She got a potty seat fit for a princess...literally..it is pink, it has jewels, it plays ceremonial princess music if you pee.... On her birthday we opened the box and sat her down on her princess seat and she promptly peed... YAY! Success.
Ha! She then promptly declared I don't like it, I want my diaper. Since then I have tried everything I can think of. One conversation went like this:
Mommy: "You're a big girl, big girls go pee in the potty."
Cami: "I not a big girl, I little girl."
Mommy: "Would you like pretty panties? If you use the potty you can wear pretty panties."
Cami: "I like pretty panties, I will wear them over my diaper, I LOVE my diaper."
Mommy: "Cami, you are almost all out of diapers and they are getting too small for you."
Cami: "You can go to the store and buy me new diapers."
I took her to "Babies R Us" and let her pick out the potty she wanted and a "potty watch" that sings a pretty song to her every twenty minutes to remind her to go. This lasted two hours and then she brought me the watch and said " I don't like it, it is noisy, take it away!"
I have also tried letting her be naked, wet, even dirty, and she stands her ground. If she is naked she pees EVERYWHERE!!!! or she holds it. Once, while wearing underwear she waited for FOUR hours and two minutes after the diaper was on she was soaked. If she is wet she takes the panties or diaper off and tells me to change her and well if she is dirty you can use your imagination.
Obviously this is a control thing. Which fits her perfectly.
Then I thought I struck gold. I would her BRIBE her. The day after Christmas we went on Disney's website and looked at all the goodies. They have a Repunzel toddler doll that Cam went crazy for. I told her if she started going pee in the potty Daddy and I would get her the doll. She quickly agreed that she would.... I ordered It and every day I would tell her your doll is almost her are you ready to go on the potty? "Oh no, not yet" she would reply.
Finally, the doll got here and I made a big deal about it...She was so excited she LOVED it..."Oh, Mommy I LOVE her, open her up!" "Well, Cam you need to go on the potty first." To this she said "I don't want to" and not one to back down put the doll (still in the box) in the bathroom.
The next day when her Daddy came home she met him at the door. "Daddy, come see my doll! Isn't she beautiful...you open her for me?" To which Daddy said. " Sure, if you go potty first." I wasn't in the bathroom...but I was told he got one of Cami's famous scowls and she stomped out of the bathroom. The doll is still sitting in our bathroom in the box...

January 16, 2011


My Jon went on a little trip this week, he had a blast and we got a special treat...Grandma came to stay with us...The kiddo's had so much fun..Camryn only got out of her pajamas twice the whole week. She opted to stay home with Grandma and have five hour tea parties....a happy little girl for sure. Breaking the news that we would have to give her back to Grandpa was not well received. Camryn responded "No, I am not done playing with her yet!" and our sweet Aiden just crumpled..we let him stay up way late on the last night she was here and have some "Aiden only" time and then he woke up super early the next morning to cuddle on the couch with her and that seemed to make it okay....

How does she do that?

My little girl is perfect...she is also clumsy...I am assured that this is perfectly normal for her age and she will out grow it, but it still makes me wince. Cam can literally fall down at any time, even if all she is doing is standing there. It is like a spark of energy goes through her and she gets overwhelmed and falls.
Just this week she was standing in the bathroom, just standing there. Out of the corner of my eye I see her.....she spins around and smacks her head right on the door jam! Nice line bruise down the center of her face...
Just last night she was laying on her Auntie J's couch and all of a sudden I hear a thud and she is on the floor screaming. She is facing the opposite direction and is upside down from where she was on the couch. How did she do that? Always, 0-60 and what is really funny is that she rarely falls from tripping over her own two feet....oh she does do that, but rarely compared to all the other ways she falls... I even asked the doctor, he said she is fine...and Auntie J, who is very wise especially when it comes to Cami...says "It is normal for Cami."

January 13, 2011

My arms are little....

An overheard conversation from the other day:
Cami: "Daddy get my blankie" (She is sitting on the couch and the blanket is on the floor next to the couch.)
Jon: "Cami, Daddy just sat down." (He is sitting across the room.)
Cami: "Please Daddy, my arms are short." She begins to wildly waves her arms toward the blanket showing that she couldn't possibly reach it.
Jon: Laughing so hard he starts to choke.
I swoop in and grab her blanket off the floor for her, fearing that she would fall off the couch from waiving her arms around so wildly.

January 7, 2011


Camryn has a thing about clouds...One day as we are leaving for school Cami declares "I don't like dark clouds!" Which I respond well what about the white ones? She ponders it for a minute and says "They are okay." I made the mistake of posting this on my Facebook and a couple of people really found double meaning in that one.
About two weeks later we were driving to the store and I hear her from the backseat mutter "Dumb clouds." I ask why are they dumb? She matter o' fact tells me "They are not doing their job, the sun is still in my eyes!"

Are all kids THIS funny?

Cam has an imagination...A BIG off the chart imagination...... so as suggested by a friend it seemed like a good idea to start writing all this stuff down....
A little background first I suppose...Camryn is my 2 and half year old little girl....and she is simply hilarious.... She has the biggest eyes and long thick curly brown hair....She is small for her age and quite clumsy....and she can talk.....boy can she talk! I don't remember a time when Cam didn't have something to say... I think that is why she may be so accident prone, she is so busy thinking she isn't paying attention to her surroundings.
So that is the long and short of my inspiration...my daughter